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Horticulture seasonal workers

Horticulture seasonal workers

Horticulture seasonal workers

International horticulture seasonal workers play a vital role in the horticultural industry, particularly in countries where there is a shortage of domestic workers to meet the demand for seasonal labor. The value of international horticulture seasonal workers lies in their ability to fill labor shortages and ensure the timely and efficient production of crops. They bring with them the necessary skills and experience to perform tasks such as planting, pruning, and harvesting with a high level of efficiency, which helps to increase productivity and reduce the risk of crop loss due to labor shortages.

Bixter.Work has been providing Norwegian employers with seasonal workers to their horticultural businesses since 2019.Through our extensive network, we have access to a big variety of candidates from different backgrounds and locations who are ready to work in Norway for the whole season. We ensure that all our workers are legally eligible to work in Norway and comply with all relevant labor laws and regulations.

Bixter.work seasonal workers are coming from:

  • Asian countries (Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, etc.)
  • African countries (Tanzania, Malawi, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc.)
  • Lateinamerikanische Länder (Kolumbien, Brasilien, Mexiko, Chile, Peru, Argentinien, Ecuador usw.)
  • Sonstige

Bixter operates on a legal basis by connecting employers in need of qualified, motivated, affordable, and stable employees with young professionals who have completed relevant Bachelor’s degrees, those who have relevant work experience in agriculture or candidates who have both relevant education and experience.


  • Kandidat*innen, die in ihrem Heimatland eine Ausbildung mit Bachelor-Abschluss in Agronomie, Pflanzenbau und -produktion, Landwirtschaft usw. absolviert haben oder bereits über einschlägige Erfahrungen im Gartenbausektor in ihrem Heimatland oder im Ausland verfügen
  • Young and motivated candidates. International workers invest into their visa and travel tickets in order to gain professional experience in Norway. They value the opportunity to get this experience for further career development in home country or abroad
  • Kandidat*innen mit soliden Kenntnissen der verschiedenen Pflanzenarten und ihrer Wachstumsbedingungen, die in einigen Fällen mit einfachen Bewässerungssystemen und landwirtschaftlichen Geräten umgehen können
  • Die Kandidat*innen sind in der Lage, sich an wechselnde Situationen anzupassen, in verschiedenen Teams, nach unterschiedlichen Zeitplänen zu arbeiten und unerwartete Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, die sich im Laufe eines Arbeitstages ergeben können
  • Stable candidates. As people from Non-EU countries need work and residence permits in Norway, their seasonal visa is attached to one specific workplace, and the worker is stable for up to 6 months.
  • Kandidat*innen mit guten Englischkenntnissen
  • Affordable, as salary is regulated by minimum wage: – 144,90 NOK/hour first 3 months, 150,40 NOK/hour next 3 months
  • Kundenbetreuung durch Bixter während der gesamten Vertragslaufzeit mit der internationalen Saisonarbeitskraft
  • Bixter arbeitet eng mit seinen weltweiten Vertretungen zusammen, um potenzielle Arbeitskräfte sorgfältig zu prüfen, Vorstellungsgespräche zu führen und sicherzustellen, dass sie den Anforderungen des Arbeitgebers entsprechen.


  • Als zuverlässiger Partner bietet Bixter eine detaillierte Beratung zu den Beschäftigungsbedingungen und den damit verbundenen Regelungen, um eine reibungslose und erfolgreiche Erfahrung für Arbeitgeber und Arbeitskräfte zu gewährleisten.


  • Wir kümmern uns um die Visapapiere für alle internationalen Arbeitskräfte – eine Sorge weniger für den Arbeitgeber und mehr Zeit, sich auf die wichtigen Aktivitäten in seinem Unternehmen zu konzentrieren.


  • Auf der Grundlage der Informationen, die der Arbeitgeber zur Verfügung stellt, bemüht sich Bixter, die am besten geeignete Arbeitskraft zu finden und zu vermitteln.


  • Wir sorgen dafür, dass die internationalen Arbeitskräfte über den notwendigen Versicherungsschutz verfügen, um das Risiko unerwarteter Kosten oder Haftungen zu minimieren.


  • Unser Expertenteam steht Ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite und kümmert sich um alle Probleme, die während der Beschäftigung auftreten können. Dies gewährleistet eine reibungslose und erfolgreiche Arbeitsbeziehung zwischen dem Arbeitgeber und der internationalen Arbeitskraft, was zu höherer Produktivität und Arbeitszufriedenheit führt


  • Bixter führt vor der Abreise Webinare durch und verteilt Informationsbroschüren an die internationalen Arbeitskräfte, um den Integrationsprozess zu verbessern und Missverständnisse zu vermeiden.


  • Am Ende des Programms senden wir den Arbeitgebern Bewertungsbögen zu, in denen wir sie um ein Feedback zur Vermittlung und Unterstützung durch Bixter bitten, da wir ständig bestrebt sind, unsere Dienstleistungen zu verbessern

Bixter makes it safer for the employer by 1-month of guarantee, within which the replacement of the seasonal worker is possible out of charge in case of mismatch with previously agreed recruitment criteria, low performance of trainee or misuse of drugs/alcohol by worker.

Upon successful selection for a job in the horticulture industry in Norway, candidates will be granted a seasonal work visa, which enables them to enter, stay and work in Norway for a period of up to 6 months. Bixter will be responsible for handling all the paperwork related to the visa application on behalf of the candidate. This includes preparing and submitting the necessary documents to the Norwegian migration services and keeping track of the application status.


Our team of experienced professionals will ensure that the visa application process is carried out smoothly and efficiently, with regular updates provided to the candidate and employers throughout the process. We understand that obtaining a visa can be a challenging task, especially for those unfamiliar with the Norwegian immigration system, and we are committed to providing comprehensive support to our international candidates and employers.

It is important to note that the average waiting period for the arrival of an international worker is typically around 2,5 – 3 months. This is primarily due to the mandatory visa processing time.

As a result, it is crucial for companies to plan ahead and account for this waiting period when organizing their recruitment process. By taking a pragmatic approach and considering the necessary visa processing time, companies can ensure that they are able to receive qualified workers in a timely manner, while also adhering to all relevant regulations and procedures.

As a professional, it’s important to understand that in Norway, all agricultural seasonal workers are subject to 37,5 – 40 working hours per week, with the possibility for overtime working hours.

The rules about working hours in Norway are governed by the Working Environment Act. Overtime is usually limited to 10 hours per week and 25 hours over a four-week period. Overtime pay or time off in lieu is typically provided for overtime work. It’s important for the employer to follow rules about maximum working hours, rest breaks, and night work.

It’s important to note, however, that there are certain specific regulations that are unique to agricultural work, which take into account the seasonal nature of the work and the weather conditions. This means that during busy periods, such as harvesting, workers may be required to work longer hours to meet production demands.

Wir bei Bixter sind uns bewusst, dass die Einstellung einer Arbeitskraft aus dem Ausland eine außergewöhnliche Gelegenheit zum kulturellen Austausch bietet. Beide Seiten müssen sich an die Regeln der lokalen Einwanderungsbehörden halten.

Please note that international employees can only begin working once their work and residence permit has been attached to the employer’s business. Compliance with this requirement is crucial to meet legal obligations and ensure a smooth recruitment process. Our experts will offer detailed guidance regarding the updated migration legislation and will keep you updated if any changes are implemented.

  • Finding/providing accommodation for the worker for a monthly rent ~ 300€ per month(paid by worker)
  • Angebot eines Gehalts in Übereinstimmung mit dem lokalen Mindestlohn
  • Overtime working hours payment according to regulations of The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority
  • Abholung der Arbeitskraft vom nächstgelegenen Bus-/Bahnhof bei der Ankunft
  • Sicherstellung, dass die Kandidat*innen bei ihrer Ankunft registriert werden
  • At Bixter, we have a wide network of agents worldwide who are always on the lookout for talented and motivated workers. We’ve built strong partnerships with companies, educational institutions, government agencies, and Ministries in 29 different countries.


  • Our global network is continuously growing, allowing us to find the perfect candidates that match your business needs. We take pride in selecting well-qualified individuals from various backgrounds.


  • We actively collaborate with relevant Universities and colleges in Agriculture, Food technology, and Hospitality fields to ensure we find candidates with the right qualifications.


  • Candidates can easily connect with us through our website, Social Media pages, and other channels, thanks to our strong online presence.


  • Our candidates are so satisfied with our service that they often recommend us to their friends who are eager to gain professional experience in Europe and bring their learnings back to their home countries.


At Bixter, we understand how complicated and time consuming the recruitment and registration process of foreign workers can get. This is why our professional team will be glad to assist you at every step of this way. Prior to your new employee’s arrival to Norway, our offices and global agents take care of the majority of their issues, including visa application completion, travel arrangements, sharing important information about registration procedures and visa validation.

At Bixter, we understand the value of streamlining business processes for owners. We take pride in handling the entire recruitment journey, freeing up your time to focus on core business activities and fostering growth.

Let us walk you through the services we provide to employers:

Efficient Recruitment: We handle the recruitment and pre-screening of applicants based on your specific criteria and in compliance with migration service regulations.

Clear Communication: We ensure that all employees are well-informed about their tasks and responsibilities, setting realistic expectations from the start.

Smooth Visa Process: Our team takes care of all the necessary paperwork for visa applications and liaises with migration institutions to keep the process hassle-free.

Seamless Arrival: We manage the arrival of international workers and provide informative booklets to aid in their smooth integration process.

Ongoing Support: Throughout the contract duration, we offer comprehensive support to both you and the international employees, ensuring a positive and productive working experience.

With Bixter as your recruitment partner, you can confidently expand your workforce with top talent from abroad, while we handle the complexities of the process. Grow your business with peace of mind and exceptional global talent.

In order to host international seasonal workers, adequate living conditions need to be provided by employers for a monthly rent. The rent needs to be affordable for the international employee, as they will be paying it from their monthly salary.

Hier finden Sie eine Liste der Anforderungen, die erfüllt werden müssen:

  • Einzelzimmer (in seltenen Fällen können Arbeitskräfte zusammen in einem Zimmer untergebracht werden)
  • Möbliertes Zimmer mit Bett, Schrank, Stuhl, Tisch und angemessener Beleuchtung
  • WC und Dusche
  • Zugang zu Kochgelegenheit und Kühlschrank
  • Zugang zu Waschmaschine
  • Die Wohneinrichtungen sollten die Sicherheitsvorschriften erfüllen
  • The accommodation should be located close proximity to the working place(in case no car is provided)

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